Acting in Theatre
Acting is an always ever evolving mistery that has become the professional purpose of my life and my way to observe and admire human beings and all their landscapes.
Paisajes Eléctricos
Director: Sixto Castro Santillán
Playwright: Gibrán Portela & Penélope Alfeirán
Actors: Eduardo Córdoba & Tania Noriega
(2020 - 2023. Mexico City: Teatro La Gruta, Teatro el Milagro, Teatro Benito Juárez)
Director: Lisa Lucassen (Germany) & Antonio Cerezo (México)
Playwright: Gibrán Portela & Penélope Alfeirán
Actors: Eduardo Córdoba, Lizeth Rondero, Mariana Villegas, Lisa Lucassen, Antonio Cerezo, Heiko & more)
2019. Mexico City: Teatro El Granero del Centro Cultural del Bosque.
Donde se descomponen
las colas de los burros
Director: Enrique C. Campo (México)
Playwright: Carolina Vivas Ferreira (Colombia)
Actors: Eduardo Córdoba, Lorena Moreno, Daniel Ruiseñor, Manuel Ochoa, Marlene Tovar, Priscila Palafox.
2019. Mexico City. Festival de Directores Emergentes de CasAzul ARGOS